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Is FENIX360 The Music Industry’s Next Big Revolutionary App After TikTok & Triller?


Across the arts – there has traditionally existed highly inequitable compensation structures that favored the middleman and ensured that the creators got very little if anything. With revolutionary apps such as TikTok and Triller slowly replacing radio as the go-to in discovering the next big thing in music, perhaps it is about time we considered the advent of a groundbreaking app that will this time transform the music industry’s antiquated economic model. Admittedly a rather ambitious goal, this is exactly what FENIX360 dares to achieve.

Launched globally on August 2nd, 2020, FENIX360 essentially is an artist-centric social media platform that provides multiple ways for artists to significantly improve their income while providing users with a more engaging & fun experience. 


The application’s ecosystem is powered by the FNX coin. With FENIX360, artists will earn money from 80% of the ad revenue, 95% of NFT’s, live streaming, merchandise, experiences & tickets, etc. 

“We’ll be very happy if others defensively duplicate our obsession with the welfare of artists,” remarked Allan Klepfisz Founder & CEO. “We don’t at all want or expect support for the artists to end with us. We indeed hope to be copied widely enough that all exploitative models are extinguished. But we’re not going to make it easy to keep up with us. We’ll keep on adding creative sources of revenue & powerful tools for artists.”

Central to the FENIX360 ecosystem, is the ability for an artist or indeed anybody, to create a shareable app in 20 minutes or less, that represents them in a complete, 360-degree manner. This app can then be shared via a simple self-selected URL which enables instant mobile installation. 

Lance Ford, President & Founder observed: “With this simplicity, we hope to create a generation of enthusiastic app builders. It’s a great way to present yourself to fans or friends who are then encouraged to download the full app from the app stores. People love being efficiently creative. We think having your own app so readily, will excite them.”

As perhaps the first global consumer app, to incorporate cryptocurrency, the FENX360 ecosystem is extremely simple for artists & fans alike. 

“We wanted to be one of the pioneers of eliminating all barriers within crypto. You can easily purchase the FNX360 coin all over the app, you can easily use it for any purchase, artists can easily get paid without having to set up an e-commerce system and it’s as close to frictionless as one can get” explained Tomas Varga, Fenix Partner & Head of Blockchain Strategy.

FENIX360 is proudly represented by a rapidly growing group of 6000+ FENIX GLOBAL ARTIST AMBASSADORS. 

Completely disrupting the music and creative industries is no walk in the park. Only time will tell if FENIX360 is indeed the game-changer it sets out to be. One thing is however certain, the success of the FENIX360 project will spell curtains for exploitative industry models which will have to evolve or risk being sidelined for good.

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