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X To Battle Bots By Introducing Annual Fees for New Accounts

Elon Musk X

Elon Musk spearheads X’s fight against bots with the introduction of annual fees for new accounts, aiming to enhance platform integrity.

A significant change was announced for newcomers to the X platform (formerly Twitter): the introduction of an annual fee to access essential features. This move, according to Musk, aims to combat the persistent issue of bots inundating the platform.

In response to inquiries from X Daily News, Musk clarified that the nominal fee is a strategic measure to “curb the relentless onslaught of bots.” It signifies a departure from the platform’s previous model, where such features were freely accessible.

Effective immediately, new users seeking to engage with the X community will need to subscribe to this fee-based model. This subscription grants them the ability to post updates, participate in discussions through replies, bookmark content, and express appreciation for others’ contributions.

Piloted initially in New Zealand and the Philippines, this fee policy reflects a proactive approach to addressing the longstanding challenge of bot activity on the X platform. Bots, notorious for flooding discussions with spam and irrelevant content, have been a persistent headache for both users and platform administrators.

Beyond its immediate impact on user experience, there is speculation about the broader implications of this fee structure. While some view it as a practical solution to maintain platform integrity, others speculate that it could serve as a revenue stream for sustaining the X platform’s operations.

As of now, Fidelity estimates the platform’s value at approximately $12.5 billion. This figure underscores the significance of the X platform within the digital landscape. It’s worth noting that Elon Musk acquired the platform in 2022 for a staggering $44 billion, signaling his strategic interest in reshaping online discourse and engagement.

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